List of Jazz genre, derivative of the music throughout the years
In this page we will see a list of Jazz Genres. So what genres are included in Jazz?
Although Jazz itself is a modification from earlier genre of music the development of Jazz over the time is remarkable. Earlier music musical genre before 1900s was Classic.
What was considered as pop during those days were musical piece from Tchaikovsky, Dvorak, Strauss, Claude Debussy, and Igor Stravinsky. So you can imagine what was it like in the United States when ragtime (roots of all Jazz genres) was first established.
Jazz then spread across the world. Through time and circumstances many developments was made. People adjusted these free expressions with their own background which later creates a new way of expressing their feelings through music.
Each significant elements of time, place and people creates a significant signature in the development of each genre within Jazz.

The list below is an alphabetical list of Jazz genres. It is not grouped into any certain category to enable you to browse briefly of all genres within Jazz. Detailed explanation of each genres will be shown in other pages.
The Jazz styles include:
- Acid Blues
- Acid jazz
- Afro-jazz
- Asian American jazz
- Avant-garde jazz
- Bebop Blues
- Blues Funk or Known as Funk Jazz
- Boogie-Woogie
- Bossa nova British dance band
- Calypso jazz
- Cape jazz
- Chamber jazz
- Chicago style
- Continental Jazz
- Cool jazz
- Crossover jazz
- Cubop
- Ethno jazz
- European free jazz
- Jazz blues
- Jazz-funk
- Jazz rap
- Jazz rock
- Kansas City blues
- Kansas City jazz
- M-Base
- Mainstream jazz
- Modal jazz
- Neo-bop jazz
- Neo-swing
- Novelty ragtime
- Nu jazz
- Shibuya-kei
- Ska jazz
- Smooth jazz
- Soul
- Soul jazz
- Stride jazz
- Straight-ahead jazz
- Swing
- Swing Third stream
- West Coast Gypsy jazz
- West Coast jazz
To tell you the truth, I like several Jazz genres.
In earlier stage I like something that is close to pop music with energizing time, acid Jazz. That was when I heard about Incognito, The Brand New Heavies, and later on Incognito.
But learning more about traditional Jazz or Classics, I like Benny Goodman's Swing, Ray Charles' soul. And later in high school my sister told me much about Jimsaku, an incredible Fusion Baand from Japan. I think it is easy to point the a type of music based on the list of musicians playing the tune.
For example I started out playing Jazz music not from mainstream but rather from Pop music. Not realizing that it was Jazz. I find out later that many of the cool chords, and timing was borrowing from the earlier jazz music genres.
So, what about you?
So, what Jazz genre do you like the most?
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